It’s nice to have friends — and I have more than 1700 of them. Who would have thought, when I began collecting about a year and a half ago, that I would have met so many nice people in such a short time. So, I now have friends from France to the Philippines, from Japan to Germany, from Turkey to Tehran. I have friends in Italy, Russia, England, India, and China. My list of friends is a veritable United Nations of Facebook contacts. I have friends in a few places I cannot begin to pronounce, and at least a couple in locations so remote I don’t think they’ve been discovered yet.
So, when I say how much I appreciate the good wishes of my international assembly of internet acquaintances with regard to my book and my book signing — I truly mean it. The comment, “I would love to come on Saturday — but I’m in Zambezee”, still means a lot to me. But now I need a few of my less distant friends to respond with equal generosity. I’m talking about friends who live distant ports of call like Phoenix, or Gilbert, or Mesa.
Therefore, I announce for one last time — or almost the last time — that I will be at the Mesa Temple Deseret Book (144 S MESA DR) on Saturday, August 23, from 12 to 2 pm. I’ll be in place there, signing books, eating donuts, and giving away free stuff. I invite anyone to join me there. I’ll be waiting with a hearty embrace and a warm smile — all in the name of international friendship and shameless merchandising. See you at the store.