A Note on Crimea

  • I received a short thought provoking note today, regarding Crimea’s national status and their referrendum decision to become part of Russia in the aftermath of invasion.  

    The note concluded that, “. . . over 80% of the registered voters in Crimea voted to join with Russia.   Having said that, your book still got pretty close to what happened.”
  • In answer, let me clarify the unique national status of Crimea.  It is an unusual situation. An “autonomous republic”, it has still been recognized as a part of the “independent nation of Ukraine” since the break up of the USSR. Of course, we’re beginning to discover that Vladimir Putin, in his own way, doesn’t believe the USSR ever broke up. (He’s a dangerous fellow.)  Having said that, one thing is certain. It’s hard to argue with 80% of the registered voters of Crimea.  And in any event, it would be difficult to justify any unilateral action of the United States to restore the original status quo.  The scenario in Persona Non Grata is only one pleasant outcome among many. One thing is certain, the current international situation in Eastern Europe is an ominous sign of the perilous times in which we live.  And there will be more to come.
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