Persona Non Grata


Persona Non Grata
Stephen J. Stirling

“Paladin Smith is just that—a paladin, a chivalrous knight, a heroic champion, a defender of a noble cause. In spite of his callous exterior, he’ll never abandon a woman he perceives to be in distress— especially this one. Trust me. Our Mr. Smith fully intends to rescue Victoria Grant.”

Paladin Smith seems to be an ordinary high school history teacher—and LDS seminary instructor. But Paladin’s checkered past comes back to haunt him when an unexpected visitor shows up in his classroom with news about a former student, Victoria Grant, who’s all grown up—and in trouble.

Now Paladin is going to Crimea, in former Soviet Russia, with an uncomplicated task: find Victoria Grant and bring her home. But when his simple mission thrusts him headlong into an international conspiracy and a countdown to invasion, Paladin finds himself on a collision course with the American embassy, the royalty of Crimea, and the powers of Eastern Europe.

Dive into a world of corrupt diplomats and ambitious tyrants as Paladin follows the Spirit to not only rescue an old friend, but also to save a free people from the jaws of dictatorship.  Paladin Smith and Victoria Grant are about to change the world.

Available Now!

Product Details
Title: Persona non Grata
Author: Stephen J. Stirling
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Release Date: July 8, 2014
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1462114504
Price: $15.99
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14 thoughts on “Persona Non Grata

    1. azeeza muhammad

      wow! i can’t believe your wounderful daughter has grown up to be a true violinist, lol ! i will be looking forward to reading your books! best wishes:)

  1. Clinton mcdonald

    I was just wondering if they will be available on the nook ever. Im a cook in the coast guard stationed on a cutter(boat) so i don’t really have room to have books onboard besides my nook.

  2. Brandon

    Glancing around your website I quickly observed that you’re a fantastic writer!!!

    Do you have a PDF version of this book that you would be willing to email to me? In return I will leave some great reviews for you on Amazon and such.

  3. Emily

    I don’t know if you still check this blog, but my brother and I have both just recently finished the book. We are wondering if there will be a sequel. (We definitely hope so!)
    I thoroughly enjoyed Persona Non Grata, and wish that there were more books like it. (However, I might stay in all day if there were).

    Thank you for writing such an awesome work!

    1. Stephen J. Stirling

      Sorry it’s been so long, Emily. Yes, there is a sequel and it is even better than volume 1! It is really good. I’m still working with the publisher. It would help if I could sell a few more copies of Persona Non Grata, so spread the work. Thank you to you — and your brother — for your kindness and encouragement.


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