Twenty Years — Facing the Future, Every Day

Last Wednesday I began my 21st year of teaching seminary.  Now tell me honestly if I don’t look like the image of a seasoned religious educator.


Whether I do or not, I have realized for the 21st year that I enjoy teaching teenagers.  They are bright, enthusiastic, and eager to learn.  And they are the hope of the future in a sometimes seemingly hopeless world.  Look into their faces as I do every day, and you will understand why tomorrow is a concept I look forward to.  In spite of the dark clouds which often hover over our heads, the youth of today can still point to a brilliant light on the horizon with anticipation — and it heralds a great day ahead.  We live in a day of glorious expectations and grand opportunities.  And the coming generation stands poised and prepared to seize this day and to face the coming dawn – in storm or sunshine — with faith, confidence, and courage.  As we walk with them we realize that bad times will continue to challenge us.  But because of them we may know that our best times are still ahead.

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